Coloring My Way Across The Globe: One carry on for 2 weeks in Europe? Yes indeed!
Airport travel outfit (HINT: I wear my heaviest items so as not to weigh down luggage.)
Greetings, color aficionados worldwide!
Have you ever tried to pack everything you need for a winter European vacation into one suitcase? What about fitting it all into one lightweight carry on suitcase to avoid losing luggage and going through baggage claims? How about keeping your wardrobe colorful and interesting in the process?
Today I’m leading by example as I econo-pack in color with one carry on piece of luggage. Let’s dig right in!
A snapshot of what’s going into this little carry on of mine!
As a fairly seasoned traveler, I prioritize econo-packing chiefly to avoid baggage fees, lost luggage and baggage claim lines. Additionally, I don’t want to complicate my wardrobe and prefer to maximize just a few staple travel pieces. As a color consultant, it’s essential in my opinion to represent the LFB COLOR brand/company wherever I find myself across the globe with colorful pieces.
Pops of color are added with scarves that don’t occupy much suitcase real estate!
Off white, gray & black neutrals with red, green & purple color options
Let’s tackle tops first. Off white, gray and black are my key neutrals. Before I show you outfit ideas, let’s also look at jewelry. I always travel with two categories: silver and gold.
Jewelry elevates outfits completely and I never travel without it!
Hoop earrings and bangle bracelets are the uniform!
My international trip only allows for carry on luggage weighing at or less than fifty pounds, so I must be mindful of that while packing. That brings us to the topic of shoes. There’s great difficulty and debate in finalizing choices, as I’m a complete shoe “enthusiast.”
I’ll pack the heels and boots and wear my sneakers while flying.
As I curated this European winter wardrobe, it was key to ensure that I could part with any one of these colorful tops if necessary for luggage weight restrictions. In other words, a final paring down or edit can take place if warranted. Here are some outfits I created using mainly the off white, gray and black tops.
What you see above is actually pretty basic by design. It’s some variation of color blocking, cable knits, denim and metallic jewelry. Below you’ll see more colorful variations as I bring in additional sweater colors!
Today about 20 or so outfit combinations were created, but usually I stick to maybe the same 7-10 choices while traveling. This prompts me to create an even more pared down capsule wardrobe for you below.
Micro travel wardrobe:
Off white sweater
Gray turtleneck sweater
Black button down cable knit sweater
Red cable knit sweater
Plaid scarf (red, black, white)
Yellow scarf
Shoes: tennis, black ankle boots, metallic strappy heels
Gold accessories: watch, bracelet, hoop earrings, pendant necklace
Silver accessories: three bangle bracelets, hoop earrings
Will I travel with the first or the second wardrobe? We shall see! Stay tuned on LFB COLOR’s INSTAGRAM for colorful attire and gorgeous travel scenes from Europe
Can’t wait to take you with me on this colorful international journey!
Until next time,
your color girl Lauren