Fantastic 2023 bathroom color schemes worth trying!
Having a design itch and want something quick, trendy and luxe for your house? Do you want some small refresh without breaking the budget? Let’s review some smart updates for your bathrooms with new trends in color.
Color enthusiasts, we have options and color themes for 2023 that I’m fully embracing. From blues and greens to earthy tones and pinks to greens and black and white, we have color. Yes, we are kind of tiring of the all-white bathrooms. Sorry, not sorry, you guys!
BLUES are a theme……..light and airy or deep as the sea in the evening……and it’s not NAVY we’re talking about.
A light sea foam green is trending! This is the ultimate spa & relaxation color in my opinion. Let’s look at a few spaces incorporating this airy hue.
Earth tones should come as no surprise, especially as we look at home decor in general and this whole “terracotta” and “ochre” trend. The key is keeping it warm, even if you do use gray as part of the palette. Creams, tans, beiges, warm browns and taupe are all options.
SOURCE: Orientbell Tiles
Soft pinks are wonderful options for bathrooms, and they can be decorated in a ton of ways to keep them from seeming too feminine. Brass hardware and chocolate brown as an accent color are two options to incorporate. From pink beige to blush to mauve and peach, these fresh, gentle color variations are definitely trending.
As always, we see variations of green for bathrooms. I’ve been a fan of incorporating green, green-gray and green-beige in bathrooms for years now. With 2023 come options such as olive green, sage and mint. We also note the use of both light and dark greens in bathrooms through some combination of paint and finishes or design elements.
PRO TIP: Don’t over commit to a color if you just want to experiment. How adorable are these mint colored sconces?
Last but never least is the power combo black and white, and I don’t want you to think only of checkered tile and pure black and white. We also create the effect of black and white without being so drastic using color pairs such as charcoal gray and cream. These are ways to achieve a more subtle, customized “black and white.”
We discussed lots of color options, but it is CRUCIAL TO REMEMBER that these are general color categories and ideas. The exact hue for any space depends on context. As an architectural color consultant, I specify the ideal version of these colors for you based on all other elements in a space. I carefully evaluate counter tops, metal accents and hardware, flooring and even the sink, toilet and tub colors. I look at finishes and sheen, as well, to ultimately select the ideal paint color.
This post should give you plenty of color inspiration, but please reach out to me if you need professional assistance. I’d be honored to specify color for you! At LFB Color, we specify paint and color, materials and finishes for any aspect of your new build or home remodel.
Have a colorful day, friends.
Your color gal Lauren