Tomorrow is International Colour Day! How will YOU celebrate?
PHOTO SOURCE: Robert Jahns | Paris Balloons I
Good afternoon, my color enthusiasts!
Tomorrow is International Colour Day, so of course Team LFB Color is kicking off the celebration early. We are delighted and privileged to specify color professionally and across multiple industries. I always tell people that it’s impossible to be in a foul mood doing what we do; that is, choosing colors for architectural spaces and corporations.
“LFB Color’s mission is to educate and empower people and brands on the best use of color. ”
Our job is fun, creative, and beneficial on a multitude of levels for those occupying our spaces. We employ expert color, materials and finishes specification skills to appreciate commercial property values and boost tenant occupancy. We use color as the silent but powerful marketer that it is by selecting it judiciously. As stated, we don’t have any bad days here. Surrounding our clients and ourselves with beautiful color options day in and day out brings both joy to us AND peace of mind to our clients!
According to Wikipedia (verbatim), the adoption of a worldwide day of colour was first proposed in 2008 by the Portuguese Color Association, whose president, Maria Joao Durao, presented the idea to the International Colour Association (abbreviated as AIC for its French name, Association Internationale de la Couleur). The proposal was agreed upon in 2009 among the members of the AIC, which is composed of national colour organizations and members representing over 30 countries.
International Colour Day was thereby established, with the 21st of March adopted as the official date. This date was chosen because it is around the equinox, when "the sun shines directly on the equator," and thus, the duration of day and night are approximately equal in length around the world.
How are we at studio LFB inspired by color? From where do we derive inspiration? Is it solely via trend reports, paint company “color of the year” palettes, industry peer chats and Pinterest boards? Oh, quite the contrary! All we have to do is look outside to observe and study the majesty of color in nature. God is indeed THE Master Artist and paints the world with the most stunning colors and striking combinations. We often begin here!
PHOTO SOURCE: Macro photography of butterfly wing by Chris Peranie
PHOTO SOURCE: Everything Wild
How about celebrating the colorful places we see every day? Often I curate color collections based on international travels or beautiful locales right here in Houston. Restaurants, botanical gardens, wall murals or historic buildings all serve as colorful inspiration.
PHOTO SOURCE: Conde Nast Traveler
Tomorrow more than anything, though, the LFB Color team will be celebrating the colorful people and rich experiences in our lives. Today we’re keeping it succinct on the blog to prepare for the big day tomorrow.
How will YOU celebrate International Colour Day? Leave us a comment below and let us know where you are and how you plan to celebrate.
We love you, our readers and color familia.
Yours in color (colour),